Spring Trials

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On the Road with CaliforniaSpringTrials.org

On the Road with CaliforniaSpringTrials.org

On the Road with CaliforniaSpringTrials.org

On the Road with CaliforniaSpringTrials.org

On the Road with CaliforniaSpringTrials.org

On the Road with CaliforniaSpringTrials.org

On the Road with CaliforniaSpringTrials.org

On the Road with CaliforniaSpringTrials.org

On the Road with CaliforniaSpringTrials.org


CST Watermark

Inspire DeluXXe™ PANSY 'Red Blotch'  

Photo: Floriculture.com

As seen @ Benary Spring Trials 2015: A new series of Pansy.

Series: Inspire DeluXXe™

Ernst Benary of Amercia Inc. : Pansy Viola wittrockiana F1 'Lemon Blotch' Ernst Benary of Amercia Inc. : Pansy Viola wittrockiana F1 'Lemon Blotch' Ernst Benary of Amercia Inc. : Pansy Viola wittrockiana F1 'Lemon Blotch' Ernst Benary of Amercia Inc. : Pansy wittrockiana 'Lemon with Red Blotch' Ernst Benary of Amercia Inc. : Pentas  'Lipstick' Ernst Benary of Amercia Inc. : Pentas  'Rose' Ernst Benary of Amercia Inc. : Pentas  'Appleblossom' Ernst Benary of Amercia Inc. : Pentas  'Carmine' Ernst Benary of Amercia Inc. : Pentas  'Deep-Red' Ernst Benary of Amercia Inc. : Pentas  'Lavender' Ernst Benary of Amercia Inc. : Pentas  'Lavender' Ernst Benary of Amercia Inc. : Pentas lanceolata 'Red Velvet' Ernst Benary of Amercia Inc. : Pentas lanceolata 'Red Velvet' Ernst Benary of Amercia Inc. : Pentas lanceolata 'Appleblossom' Ernst Benary of Amercia Inc. : Pentas lanceolata 'Carmine' Ernst Benary of Amercia Inc. : Pentas lanceolata 'Deep Red' Ernst Benary of Amercia Inc. : Pentas lanceolata 'Lilac' Ernst Benary of Amercia Inc. : Pentas lanceolata 'Pink' Ernst Benary of Amercia Inc. : Pentas lanceolata 'Lavender' Ernst Benary of Amercia Inc. : Petunia trailing; x hybrida F1 'Coral' Ernst Benary of Amercia Inc. : Petunia trailing; x hybrida F1 'Coral' Ernst Benary of Amercia Inc. : Petunia trailing; x hybrida F1 'Coral' Ernst Benary of Amercia Inc. : Petunia trailing; x hybrida F1 'Coral' Ernst Benary of Amercia Inc. : Petunia trailing; x hybrida F1 'Pink Chiffon' Ernst Benary of Amercia Inc. : Petunia trailing; x hybrida F1 'Pink Chiffon' Ernst Benary of Amercia Inc. : Petunia trailing; x hybrida F1 'Pink Chiffon' Ernst Benary of Amercia Inc. : Petunia trailing; x hybrida F1 'Pink Vein' Ernst Benary of Amercia Inc. : Petunia trailing; x hybrida F1 'Pink Vein' Ernst Benary of Amercia Inc. : Petunia trailing; x hybrida F1 'Pink Vein' Ernst Benary of Amercia Inc. : Petunia x hybrida 'Burgundy'

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