Spring Trials

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Zest™ SAGE 'Intensia'  

Photo: Floriculture.com

New from HortCouture @ GroLink, Spring Trials 2016, where stylish and trendy plants are in fashion and on the runway. The Zest™ Collection of Herbs.

Series: Zest™

Hort Couture Plants: Geranium  'Gold Digger' Hort Couture Plants: Geranium  'Ice Queen' Hort Couture Plants: Geranium  'Ice Queen' Hort Couture Plants: Gomphrena  'Radiant Red' Hort Couture Plants: Ipomoea  'Chipotle' Hort Couture Plants: Kale  'Italian Black' Hort Couture Plants: Kale  'Italian Black' Hort Couture Plants: Kale  'Italian Black' Hort Couture Plants: Lauentia  'Starry Night' Hort Couture Plants: Lewisia  'Pink' Hort Couture Plants: Lewisia  'Salmon' Hort Couture Plants: Mentha  'Corsican Carpet' Hort Couture Plants: Mentha  'Mojito' Hort Couture Plants: Mustard  'Moonshine' Hort Couture Plants: Mustard  'Moonshine' Hort Couture Plants: Mustard  'Moonshine' Hort Couture Plants: Nemesia  'Blueberry A La Mode' Hort Couture Plants: Nemesia  'Cherries Ala Mode' Hort Couture Plants: Oxalis  'Plum Crazy' Hort Couture Plants: Parsley  'Italian Stallion' Hort Couture Plants: Petunia  'Blueberry' Hort Couture Plants: Petunia  'Blueberry' Hort Couture Plants: Petunia  'Grape' Hort Couture Plants: Petunia  'Little Black Dress' Hort Couture Plants: Petunia  'Grape' Hort Couture Plants: Primula  'Blue Zebra' Hort Couture Plants: Primula  'Bachelorette Button' Hort Couture Plants: Primula  'Cocktail Swirl' Hort Couture Plants: Primula  'Rave Orange' Hort Couture Plants: Primula  'Valentines Day'

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