Spring Trials

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GERBERA 'Kruger®'  

Photo: Floriculture.com

New from Florist Holland @ GroLink Spring Trials 2016. Patio Gerbera now even quicker to finish and bigger flowers at retail. A new stunning, bright yellow patio gerbera is added to the series, 'Kruger®'

Variety Details

Florist Holland B.V.: Gerbera  'Sweet Dreams' Florist Holland B.V.: Gerbera  'Sweet Glow' Florist Holland B.V.: Gerbera  'Sweet Honey' Florist Holland B.V.: Gerbera  'Sweet Sixteen' Florist Holland B.V.: Gerbera  'Tinkerbell' Florist Holland B.V.: Gerbera  'Adele®' Florist Holland B.V.: Gerbera  'Catherine®' Florist Holland B.V.: Gerbera  'Isabel®' Florist Holland B.V.: Gerbera  'Jasmina®' Florist Holland B.V.: Gerbera  'Layla®' Florist Holland B.V.: Gerbera  'Sleeping Beauty®' Florist Holland B.V.: Gerbera  'Sophie®' Florist Holland B.V.: Gerbera  'Sweet Lollipop®' Florist Holland B.V.: Gerbera  'Experimental' Florist Holland B.V.: Gerbera  'Experimental' Florist Holland B.V.: Gerbera  'Experimental' Florist Holland B.V.: Gerbera  'Experimental' Florist Holland B.V.: Gerbera  'Sweet Caroline®' Florist Holland B.V.: Gerbera  'Sweet Caroline®' Florist Holland B.V.: Gerbera  'Sweet Caroline®' Florist Holland B.V.: Gerbera  'Sweet Memories®' Florist Holland B.V.: Gerbera  'Sweet Memories®' Florist Holland B.V.: Gerbera  'Sweet Memories®' Florist Holland B.V.: Gerbera  'Grand Canyon' Florist Holland B.V.: Gerbera  'Karoo' Florist Holland B.V.: Gerbera  'Mammoth Cave' Florist Holland B.V.: Gerbera  'Serengeti' Florist Holland B.V.: Gerbera  'Volcanoes' Florist Holland B.V.: Gerbera  'Micro Mix'